About the project
The research project „Developing a Best Practice Protocol on the Use of Sign Language Avatars“ at University of Vienna (lead researcher: Verena Krausneker) was conducted in two phases:
- In phase 1, we created stimuli and conducted 10 focus group discussions. Then, we analysed the elicited material. Based on the results we compiled a first draft version of the Best Practice Protocol;
- and in phase 2, we conducted 10 expert interviews and integrated them into the Best Practice Protocol.
The final result of this several months long, cooperative qualitative process is presented on this website in four languages:
the Best Practice Protocol on the Use of Sign Language Avatars.
We thank all participants in the focus group discussions for their invaluable, important contributions. You provided the strong foundation for the present Best Practice Protocol!
We would like to thank the following experts for the many constructive conversations and their valuable contributions:
- Sarah Ebling, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
- Nadja Grbić, Department of Translation Studies, University of Graz, Austria.
- Thomas Hanke, Universität Hamburg, Germany.
- Helene Jarmer, president of the Austrian Association of the Deaf.
- Hernisa Kacorri, University of Maryland, College Park.
- Melissa Malzkuhn, Director of Motion Light Lab, Gallaudet University, USA.
- Christian Pichler, Austria.
- Antti Raike, Aalto University, Finland.
- Georg Tschare, founder and CEO Sign Time GmbH, Austria.
- Rosalee Wolfe, Institute for Language and Speech Processing ATHENARC, Athens, Greece.
We are grateful to the MediaLab at University of Vienna, especially Dr. Mühlhans, for their essential technical support.
We also thank the Viennese Deaf Club WITAF, especially the director of the Mediathek, Florian Gravogl, and the general manager Mag.a Eva Böhm.
Verena Krausneker (lead), Sandra Schügerl